Dairy Creek Women's GC

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2025 New Member Application

Complete and mail along with your check made out to Dairy Creek Women’s Golf Club to:

C/o Margaret Breen
161 Coral Court
Pismo Beach, CA 93449

Or place in the drawer below our posting computer in the pro shop and mark to the attention of the Handicap Chairman.

If you have questions, call Margaret Breen at 805-556-0755.

This form reflects the new dues structure for 2018

Name: ______________________________________

Address: ____________________________________


Telephone: __________________________________

E-Mail: ________________________________________________________

May we use the above information in our Roster? ____________

May we print your GHIN# in our Member Book? ____________

Do you have an existing Handicap? If so, please specify your organization and number:

Organization (SCGA, WPLGA, NCGA, etc): ________________________

GHIN#: __________________



$_________$20Annual dues for our club. Minimum that must be paid.
$_________$41Dues for SCGA Handicap.
No discount for multiple clubs. Refund available from SCGA for annual payment over $52.00
$_________$20Optional Pub Links Dues.
You must pay this amount to at least one club in order to participate in Pub Links activities.(Association Day, Team Play)
$_________ Total Paid.

Note: After July 1, Dairy Creek Dues are $20 for remainder of year.